Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Becoming the 'real deal'....

From Jan Davies McDermott in Michigan ~

My two cents; It seems that mirror into the soul can be a good place to start to make change. Examining the truth about who you are, what you want, and how to achieve it can be heart wrenching questions.

I like to think about it like planning a vacation:

Set goals - Follow your passion to the place you dream.

Identify objectives - Pursue the people who are or have been there who can help you identify the actions you need to take to get there.

Plan - Create one. Goals that are written are more frequently achieved than those that are not.

Focus - Execute the plan, consistently moving forward down the path with purpose

Bring balance - Recognize it is more often the journey that will be memorable and chronicled, rather than the destination.

Share - Help others' future better with your experience and wisdom .

Jan's comments mirror one of the ATHENA Leadership Model principles ~ Living Authentically. States ATHENA Founder, Martha Mertz, "A leader can't possibly inspire someone else unless they know themselves well and are living in harmony with their values."

Have you ever examined the truth about yourself? Are you willing to look into that mirror?

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