Thursday, December 8, 2011

I had no choice...

It's been awhile since I have blogged and I'm feeling a bit guilty about it. I realize the importance of staying in touch with people and yet for a variety of reasons, I end the day with a long list of items that are not checked off my list. I usually comfort myself with...'Well, I had a very busy day and I had no choice'.

Then today I read Seth Godin's blog (he seems to find the time to write something meaningful every single day!). The title of his blog today is 'No Choice'....and yes, it hit me right between the eyes. I'll quote just a bit of what he says:

"Remarkable work often comes from making choices when everyone else feels as though there is no choice. Difficult choices involve painful sacrifices, advance planning or just plain guts. Saying you have no choice cuts off all options, absolves responsibility and is the dream killer."

So while it's early for New Year's resolutions, I'm going out on a limb today to make just one...I'm no longer going to say 'I had no choice'. If I no longer say it, then I will, over time, quit thinking it. Instead I plan to take charge of my choices, regardless of how difficult it may be.

What could you accomplish simply by choosing to take control of your 'choices' today....tomorrow...and each day thereafter?

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