Thursday, July 14, 2011

Do you flex?

It's all about flex time. I'm a believer in it. Have been for years....way before it became popular. That may be because I had a boss who used to stand at the door looking at his watch and personally monitor everyone's arrival and departure time at work. And yes, I rebelled a bit before eventually replacing him. I did not believe that there was something magical about an 8 - 5 work schedule that was supposed to make me more effective!

I just read an article by Melissa J. Anderson called The Future of Work Life Fit Anderson interviewed Cali Yost, CEO and Founder of Work+Life Fit, Inc. who says that flex scheduling is more the norm than it was in 2006 for both men and women.

Yost suggests that the next step is to take flexibility to the next level of effectiveness by changing the mindset from it being an 'employee benefit' to a 'business strategy'. She states that employers are recognizing that flex schedules improve business and people who work flexibly produce the same amount of work as before.

Flex time is not just for women who are trying to balance motherhood and working. It's for men and women who recognize that living a full life requires integration of career and personal.

I'm still a believer...ATHENA staff can choose their own work schedule and we all work primarily from home. We do all come into the office on one day each week in order to meet and stay connected. It's not always easy as it has required us to develop ways to communicate effectively with each other but it works.

Do you flex? Tell me your story...


  1. Dianne: You may flex, but I find it's incredible that you get back so quickly to me with emails, no matter when I send them! I just don't know how you do it. Flex really works!

    I have Flex going on in my company too. Sometimes we refer to it as "tag team" like the wrestlers! Cross training helps so we can jump in without missing a beat.

    This allows for people to attend events with their children or do banking/shopping when it's not so busy or work from home when it's icy.

    All good stuff!! After all, it's about getting the work done. Not sitting at a desk!

    Good post!


  2. Chris,

    Thanks for your comment. The Cross training is an excellent point! And it really is about getting the work done wherever your desk is located.

